Friday, December 12, 2008


Its been a while since I have made a post. Grady had to have a second surgery so things were pretty busy again for a while. He is doing better now though! YAY!!
I thought I would update everyone on what Payton is doing now. She loves to play peek-a-boo. She will hold a blanket over her eyes and pull it down on her own to play. Its so cute! Also she is finally saying Momma. I am very happy about that! She has been saying Dada, bye bye, and Na Na (loves to say Na Na when I don't give her what she wants and when I am eating because Nana gives her bites of her food). She is learning to wave bye. Oh and she loves to put her hand on her mouth while making noise to make it sound different.
This is such a fun age. She is learning So many things!! Here are some recent pics I have taken.

Playing on the floor.

Trying one of Paw Paw Carl's suger cookies (she just had a little taste).

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Payton is adorable as always! I hope Grady is doing better. That does not sound fun at all.